Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Bunga Rampai

Salam...lame giler x update blog...seems dat i only can update my blog when the skul holidays are coming...

I love my job as a tice who can educate n nurture the youngsters, but on the other hand, sometimes, i can feel dat, part of my heart, i want to get rid of my co*******, not all, but a few of them, sabow je lew. Neway, just ignore the eyesore of mine, i still can have the enjoyment of being a tice regardless the snag, whenever i feel down, mrDJ and besties are willing to lend me their shoulders, listening to my amukan - amukan dalam telefon semata2. lepas tu i will ok, sy suda tidak mahu memendam perasaan lg, perasaan itu amat teruk, sy x mau kembali kepada sy yg dulu, asyik memendam rasa smp muka sy masham2, as masham as buah kelubi...maka sy perlu luahkan kepada sesiapa dgn bercerita drama air mata sy, ngehehe...skang muka sy x masham lg, serius je, wohohohoho....yg plg penting, i can always smile now, since i have somebody that i can trust the most and share my darkest side without fear or ashamed, LOL - lots of love

Well, i want to highlight benda yg sy rase menarik - stakat kena design sijil, n cari maklumat plajar n print sijil sensorang sampai beratus2 keping tu xde la menarik, n etc2 (eh, tak cunlah!)