Friday, 2 December 2011

Cute Blog

Salam..sudah masuk bulan12, and i am still doing nothing to beautify my blog.ohohoho
Well, simple blog is more than enough (LESS IS MORE guys!!) but....!!!tidak ada salahnye
kalo nk hias blog cencatik.lawa2.c0mey2.and so 0n.....

So far i d0n't have any mo0d to change the color and theme of my bl0g.
Meminjam kata2 0rang seni ---> mencari ketenangan & idea, a.k.a. idea bl0m sampai...koh3
plus kerajinan masih blom ade lg..niat dah ada tp kalo usaha xde..x ke mana

Here, i want to share a blog, 0r maybe a website yg truly unique that catches my eyes

Dah lame jumpe blog nie...alkisahnye jenjalan shopping dalam MALL yg bersepah2 kt KL nk beli baju-bajan yg kasual.
Dalam bebanyak kedai tu...i amat tertarik dgn satu kedai nie::::KITSCHEN
ahahahaha..i know...the name is Kitschen <-- KITCHEN (DAPUR) tapi jual pakaian.
Once i entered the clothes shop,i was really attracted to the clothes design...sooooo0ooo lawa i said.
What the bout the price????amat BERPATUTAN....bleh beli pakaian starting from RM45 (or maybe less).
Ya, harga amat penting...kalo memahal sgt pom x nak beli...x berbaloi beli pakaian mahal2 sgt kalo lepas tu p0cket leh way me!!!kalo pakaian tu murah pom, tapi design lawa and selesa dipakai...x rugi long as u can satisfy yourself!!!!!!!!!i say, urself,not others. Nak pakai baju-bajan p0m,kna tgok bajet gak....tiada istilah "biar papa asal bergaya" in my life....unless "biar ada 'sugar papa" asal bergaya"...ahahahaha..juz kiddin..dijauhkanlah.

Berbalik pasal blog Kitschen nie, so...baliknye ke home sweet h0me....I started to search for this brand...kot2 la leh order p0m mula menjalankan tugasnye dgn jayanye seperti's the blog address,

Hewhewhew...rupe2nye xleh nak beli Kitschen clothes secara on9...but i had found something else..THIS BLOG IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!
Ingat cam web kiri kanan atas bawah sane sini..empat segi of c0z...n skrol ke bwh dan ke atas.
apa yg i jumpe adalah so unique and len dari yg len...i memang suke benda2 unik neh..c0z i p0m  dot3...ahahaha
1. tema dia cam 3D (almost real pics) gtu, brg2 di atas meja cam diari, kek, pen, pensel, a lot of small notes etc...
2. utk lihat semua kandungan yg ade, we have to scroll from left to the right and vice versa...dari kiri ke kanan ke kiri, AND...untuk mula tgok kandungan..kna klik kat "zip" yg terletak kt bwh skali, baru lah leh skroL ke kiri kanan...then, you can start viewing this blog content.

This is the print screen of the blog

This is another one

Kalo perasan la kan...nk move ke next content, kita kena "unzip" baru leh skroll dari kiri ke kanan.
So, kena bukak zip baru leh tgok kandungan yang len..silalalalalallaa~

If i am not mistaken, baju-bajan kt butik2 Kitschen Malaysia yang boleh didapati di depan mata nie lagi banyak choices compared to yang ada dalam blog nie...if u are interested, plezz do visit Facebook Kitschen Malaysia.Yes, ader!

Well, this is one of the blogs that i admire...xde la nk design sampai cmnie dengan ilmu blogging yang amat sedikit...hanya mengagumi.menghayati... So,juz wait and see how i "dec0" my blog...x pun biar cenggini pr0blemo at all.

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